Saturday, January 31, 2015

christmas eve

a family tradition continues... while growing up, the elves always visited on christmas eve and filled our stockings - and scoped out the place for santa of course!  the elves came to our house on christmas eve while we were at church.  aunt sarah also came over for christmas eve this year!

 the pez dispenser!!!!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2015

santa brunch

ok! lots of catching up on the blog to do.  will try to do so in the next few days - so where we left off about a month ago - we had brunch with santa!  a few more pictures from that brunch below.  vera was very specific in her requests - #1 on her wishlist was a pink pez dispenser.  also she wanted math books.  and anna and elsa (disney frozen princess) dresses. done, done, and done.